Poetry is hard.
Poetry is very hard.
Why so hard to write a word,
that joins another, should I use a verb?
How do I start when I have no clue,
to sound like others, this will not do.
To inspire and ignite imagination,
only frustrates more this indignation.
You'd think it simple, they're only words,
yet the pain is felt from forming a verse.
Now you see this is an art.
To even think of where to start.
Why then can't I write like them?
To move and feel with my pen.
It's then you see as to why we care
to those who write, and write to share.
As you feel contempt;
this poor attempt
to create words, so moving,
when all you can do is sit and listen,
listen and sit just swooning.
It is clear to me
we need poetry you see,
to fill our hearts with love,
as this art is hard
and full of mistakes, can't you see?
First it rhymed on every line,
but inadvertently swapped, deary me.
So as I now close
slightly embarrassed to know,
that someone will read this and laugh,
out of pity or pleasure I cannot say,
but that's a reaction, so yay?